Incriminators Meeting – February 8, 2015

imgresIt’s time for another round of Incriminator chatty/drinky time, to digest and revel in the greatness that was FYBO 16, and to celebrate the opening of Incriminator Kevin Slater’s new bar (and our new meeting location), THE ATOMIC FERN! Located in downtown Durham, we’re happy to support an Incriminator and a local business, in the business of serving up drinks in a comfortable space with action figures, barrel of monkeys hanging from the fixtures, and a shelf of games for your personal amusement. Come grab a pint with us in the new space!

The Atomic Fern
108 E. Parrish St.
Durham, NC

2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

All bikes are welcome and you don’t have to be a member to attend and hang out – we’ll talk scooters, beer, and whatever else crosses our minds…see you soon!